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Did someone say LatAm Tech Report?Did someone say LatAm Tech Report?Did someone say LatAm Tech Report?
Did someone say LatAm Tech Report?

Did someone say LatAm Tech Report?

Only the whole social media and specialized press. Check the highlights of each of the 7 industries addressed in the first edition of The LatAm Tech Report.
Regina Pernaz
Content Specialist
December 1, 2022

Ok so, first of all, let's welcome all those 2,500 NEW SUBSCRIBERS that found us through downloading a certain report – a very cool one, kind of big, truly insightful, called The LatAm Tech Report. Not sure if you heard about it? It was made by us, no big deal. 💅

Now don't get sassy with us, Gabriela, this was in our contract (the letters weren't even that tiny). Your email and soul for 384 pages of insights, covering 7 tech LatAm industries, supported by 40+ experts, and in 3 languages doesn't sound like a bad deal AT ALL. Just saying.

On the other hand, to all the recurrent readers of this humble newsletter – who keep our open rate high and our depression low – hi 💙, we hope that you've already downloaded the report.

If not, we forgive you. But what are you waiting for?

Get the LatAm Tech Report here

And don't worry, you won't be receiving a second newsletter by downloading it, it doesn't work like that – there's only one cool people database at Latitud, and it's this one 😎

P.S.: In case it's not clear, this is the surprise we promised you last week. Was it extensively surprising?

Latin America is a giant

And so is the report, we know.

But that's because the information gap regarding tech industries in the Latin American startup ecosystem is significantly larger. And that was REALLY bothering us.

How come we have talented people, incoming capital, really good arepas, but no relevant tech data about the region as a whole? – Besides the ones from our BFFs at Atlantico, of course.

Welp, that ends now. To continue our mission to empower every founder and operator in the LatAm startup ecosystem, we addressed upcoming opportunities and challenges in 7 industries: Fintech B2B, Fintech B2C, E-commerce, SaaS, Proptech, Healthtech, and Climate tech.

We know you have a life and haven't read it all YET, so, to help you digest, here are some of the highlights. – If you HAVE read it all, respect 👁️👄👁️.

TL;DR: Insights from The LatAm Tech Report by Latitud:

1. Consumer fintech advances in Latin America, but it's still lagging in a global comparison. LatAm’s total fintech funding hit a record US$ 12.9B across 315 deals in 2021. However, it only represents about 5.5% of the total global fintech funding of 2021.

2. In 2021, 44% of that US$ 12.9B went to B2B Fintechs. What… Why so hungry?

  • Growing mobile and internet access;
  • a tech-inclined population;
  • large unbanked and underserved groups;
  • and a US$ 1.2T financing gap for SMEs.

3. Present and short-term trends for Latin American e-commerce include:

  • Higher penetration of purchases made on mobile and digital payments;
  • growth in cross-border e-commerce and digital goods and services;
  • social commerce, inspired by our love for WhatsApp and oversharing;
  • and loyalty as a currency to differentiate from competitors and retain valuable customers.

4. Venture capital funding for SaaS startups was multiplied by 7 between 2020 and 2021 alone.

  • SaaS segments with strong local players from LatAm are e-commerce enablers, Sales/Mkt/CX, ERP/Accounting, and Fintech.
  • SaaS segments that still lack strong local players are DevOps/Warehouse, Design/Product/Collab, Cloud Infrastructure, and Verticals.

5. Proptech is entering its 3rd wave:

  • Real Estate 1.0 was about bringing information and data online.
  • Real estate 2.0 was about the transaction. Integrating the selling and buying sides with financial products.
  • Real estate 3.0 will be about transforming and digitizing ownership, affordability, and tradeability, taking out the friction of property management and fractional ownership.

6. In Latin America, healthtechs have grown their annual funding by 4700% between 2015 and 2021, while startups, in general, have grown by 1800%. Some short-term trends for healthtechs are telemedicine; mental health; health insurance; wellness; dental solutions; and employee benefits.

7. Remember this: Climate investments are recession-proof. The impact of climate change can be even more severe in Latin America, as we are highly dependent on industries such as agriculture, energy, and metals/minerals. The region's potential is enormous for Climate tech: we could generate over US$ 60 billion yearly through its participation in the Carbon market.

👉 OBVIOUSLY, this is just the tip of the iceberg of The LatAm Tech Report – like, we can't really do it justice in a newsletter that tries to keep it short and sweet, you know?

📌 Draw your own conclusions and highlight the data that most interest you! Go grab your copy of the report now.

Download The LatAm Tech Report

The next step: how to grow


Having access to the right information and data – like the one you'll find at The LatAm Tech Report – can make all the difference in the decisions you make while building your business from scratch.

However, there is one puzzling question every founder needs to be answered: how on Earth can I grow my company?

Growth should be every startup’s bread and butter, but it can be especially hard to nail in a shrinking economy. Our co-founder Brian Requarth will be joining the Carta Equity Summit next week to talk about all of the ways he’s found to answer that question.

Register at the Carta Equity Summit

Our Fellows Ask

Q: As CEOs, it's really hard to not get overwhelmed by having to think about the future and the present at the same time. What advice would you share on how to build the future of our company while delivering in the present?

A: Always have someone from the outside that has a strategic involvement with the business but not operating. This facilitates discussions on the strategic parts. They have visibility on what you want to accomplish as a company but they are not involved in the operations so they are not biased. Also, force yourself to make time to ask these questions. Put it on your calendar to create the commitment.

👉 This question was asked at the session Lead and Manage your Startup with Greg Waldorf, Senior Advisor at Sixth Street.

Would you like your questions to be answered?

Be part of our Explore Fellowship.

⛵ Hot News Ahoy!

💪 Feel the Power

Brazilian femtech Feel has attracted an all-female pool of angel investors to a pre-Seed round worth just over BRL 1 million (US$ 190 thousand), with a business proposition aimed at providing sexual wellness products, information, and digital services to adult women of all ages.

💸 Noh bets on PISP
Just over eight months after its official arrival on the market, Noh, fintech founded by our fellow Ana Zucato, becomes one of the first to test the Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP), a payment initiation system launched by the Brazilian Banco Central in 2021.

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